This is Lift Fitness.


At Lift Fitness we believe effort equals reward. We push limits, we monitor performance and above all, we have fun! We have created this training centre with you in mind. A training centre where you can walk in, switch off the outside world, and turn on your you! It becomes You vs. You.

We take the hard work out of training for you. We have professionally programmed workouts waiting for you on arrival, we take you through the exercises and then it’s time to strap in. Literally if you wish. Strap on your heart rate monitor and see your workout effort on screen in real time. Know when you physically have more in the tank - because more times than not our body can handle more, it’s just our mind we have to convince. No convincing needed here though, it will be displayed for you to follow throughout your whole workout.

You will also have a qualified trainer with you for your whole workout. Helping you with technique and pushing you that little bit further - don’t forget they can also see your effort on screen if you wish to wear a monitor.

This isn’t a gym where you turn up unsure about what to train, wait in line for a machine or try and motivate yourself. This is a training centre where achieving your personal goals while having fun is the priority.

Lift Fitness is a functional training centre. LIFT stands for Lifestyle Inspired Fitness Transformation - and that is exactly what we sell, fitness transformations that are inspired by lifestyle. By movement, by positive goals, by focusing on what we are gaining rather than losing. We put the fun back in training and we make healthy living a lifestyle. We make going to the gym a hobby not a chore. You will train because you want to, not because you feel you have to. It is where you learn to lift yourself, both physically and mentally.

This is our mission.

This is Lift Fitness.